The deal is absolutely on track," Ranbaxy Chief Executive Malvinder Singh told a televised news conference.
"There are no changes," he said, adding Daiichi had gone through a "bunch of things" as part of its due diligence and it was completely aware of the issue with the U.S. authorities.
Earlier this month as part of the investigation, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland and the Department of Justice's Office of Consumer Litigation filed a motion seeking enforcement of previous subpoenas for Ranbaxy documents.
The motion said Ranbaxy had failed to produce the subpoenaed documents, claiming they were protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges. Ranbaxy denies the allegations in the motion.
Singh told the news conference the firm was ready to give more information to the authorities.
"Our intention is within the next month all the information that they want will be supplied to them. Our understanding with them (is that) this motion will be recalled once this information is sent," Singh said.